Trevor Viscardi (1998 to 1999)
Born July 1998
Single/Never Been Married
Jeffrey Morgan (biological father; deceased)
Jenna Bradshaw (Mother; Deceased)
Buzz Cooper (Adoptive Father)
Henry Cooper Bradshaw (half-brother); deceased
Frank Cooper (adopted half-brother)
Harley Cooper (adopted half-sister)
Lucille "Lucy" Cooper (adopted half-sister)
Dante "Pops" Cooper (Kouperakis) (adopted Paternal grandfather; Deceased)
Clyde Wynant (Maternal grandfather; deceased)
(First name unknown) Bradshaw (Maternal grandmother; deceased)
Susan "Daisy" Lemay (Niece)
Marina Cooper (Niece)
Alan Cooper "Zach" Spaulding (Nephew)
Jude Cooper Bauer (nephew)
Henry Cooper Camalleti (great-nephew)
Stavros Kouperakis (Great-uncle)
Abigail Bradshaw (Great-great-Aunt)
Charlotte Bradshaw (Great-great-Aunt)
In 1998, star-crossed lovers Jenna Bradshaw and Buzz Cooper finally reunited after years of obstacles. Although Jenna was pregnant with criminal Jeffrey Morgan's child, Buzz agreed to raise the child as his own. In July of that year, Jenna gave birth to a boy almost immediately after she and Buzz married. After naming the child Ian Stavros (giving him the nickname of Rocky) the pair settled into marital bliss with Rocky and their son, Henry (known as Coop). Unfortunately, marital bliss wouldn't last for very long. Mere months later, Jeffrey returned to town to find Jenna. Shortly upon his arrival, he learned that Jenna had given birth to his son. Menacingly, Jeffrey demanded to see him at once. Afraid that the dangerous Jeffrey would take Rocky, Jenna got in the car with him on the pretense of going to see Ian but wrecked the car. Jeffrey and Jenna both died in the crash, with Jenna living long enough to see Buzz and tell him she loved him and to take care of their children. In 1999, Coop and Rocky were two of the children kidnapped by the mentally unstable Holly Reade, though luckily they were rescued by Josh and Reva Lewis. Later, Buzz decided to take the kids to England to show them where Jenna grew up. In 2000, Buzz decided that the boys would be better off with Jenna's family in England and sent them there to live. Although an adult Coop returned to Springfield in late 2004, Rocky remained in school abroad.
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